Company: その他
Created by: federica.masante
Number of Blossarys: 31
English (EN)
Romanian (RO)
Russian (RU)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Macedonian (MK)
Indonesian (ID)
Hindi (HI)
Italian (IT)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish (ES)
Czech (CS)
Hungarian (HU)
Arabic (AR)
French (FR)
Turkish (TR)
Greek (EL)
Dutch (NL)
Bulgarian (BG)
Estonian (ET)
Korean (KO)
Swedish (SV)
English, UK (UE)
Chinese, Hong Kong (ZH)
Slovak (SK)
Lithuanian (LT)
Norwegian Bokmål (NO)
Thai (TH)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Danish (DA)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
Romanian (RO)
Russian (RU)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Macedonian (MK)
Indonesian (ID)
Hindi (HI)
Italian (IT)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish (ES)
Czech (CS)
Hungarian (HU)
Arabic (AR)
French (FR)
Turkish (TR)
Greek (EL)
Dutch (NL)
Bulgarian (BG)
Estonian (ET)
Korean (KO)
Swedish (SV)
English, UK (UE)
Chinese, Hong Kong (ZH)
Slovak (SK)
Lithuanian (LT)
Norwegian Bokmål (NO)
Thai (TH)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Danish (DA)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
その最も極端なバージョン 'サピア ・ ウオーフ仮説」は 2 つの関連として記述できます関連付けられている原則: 言語の決定論と言語相対主義。適用するこれらの 2 つの原則は、Whorfian の論文は、異なる言語を話す人々 が感知し、だと思う世界について非常に異なる、彼らの世界観が形または文化 (社会 determinists によって拒否された概念) の言語によって決まります。評論家は言語構造の相違に基づいてもっぱら世界観の違いについての推論をすることはできません注意してください。
In its most extreme version 'the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis' can be described as relating two associated principles: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativism. Applying these two principles, the Whorfian thesis is that people who speak different languages perceive and think about the world quite differently, their worldviews being shaped or determined by the language of the culture (a notion rejected by social determinists). Critics note that we cannot make inferences about differences in worldview solely on the basis of differences in linguistic structure.
Phonocentrism は、書面での音声の特権通常無意識解釈バイアス (そして従って) 口腔聴覚、視覚的に)。
Phonocentrism biased interpretation of the rights normally involuntary speech over writing (and consequently) oral-aural over visual).